常规团:出发时间7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 AM, 1:30 & *3:30, *4:30 PM (冬季时带星号的时间会有所调整).
科罗拉多大峡谷(Grand Canyon National Park)
南峡全年全天开放,北峡5月中-10月中,西峡玻璃桥冬 季8:00-16:30,夏季7:00-20:00。
http://nps.gov/grca (需翻墙)
South Rim看日落和日出很棒,一定要注意看日落和日出时间,免得耽误美景。
最好的日落观景点在Hopi Point或者Powell Point。两个点相差10分钟走路,Hopi Point人很多。我们在Powell Point看的,人很少,而且可以站到石头上照,没有栏杆。看日落的西线一段在夏天私家车不能开进去,只能坐shuttle Bus(坐一圈要大概40分钟左右)。Shuttle Bus班次很密(15分钟),但是每天最晚的收车时间一定要注意听,一般是日落之后的一个小时。
(这部分是我们住的名宿房东的建议)As far as looking at the Sunsets goes, while Hopi Point is awesome for a sunset, there are no bad places to watch the Canyon change colors. Arrive at the Rim well before sunset so you get all of the color changes that the sun produces along the Tonto Plateau and the inner canyon. By actual sunset, the inner canyon is engulfed in twilight.
If you just want to walk along the rim and take pictures, you can start at Mohave Point, hike east to Hopi Point and then end at Powell Point - all in all an easy 1 mile hike. This walk is fairly flat on a well established dirt path that gets you very close to the rim for many incredible views. Best of all there are lots of benches and picnic tables along the way to stop...
If you take the shuttle, It's 2.2 miles from Bright Angel Lodge to Hopi Point along the Rim trail. A very short walk from Bright Angel lodge will put you at the shuttle bus stop for the Hermit's Rest Route, which is the one you'd take to Hopi Point. The buses run every 15 minutes from 7:30 a.m. to sunset, but only stop at Hopi Point on the RETURN trip from Hermit's Rest. They will stop at Powell Point, where you can walk .3 miles up to Hopi, (5 minutes) then wait for a bus to pick you up on the downhill run.
For a memorable sunrise, try Mather or Yaki Points
On March 29th the Sunrise will be at 6:18AM and the Sunset will be at 6:48PM
On March 30th the Sunrise will be at 6:17 AM and the Sunset will be at 6:49PM
Remember you want to be there early so that you can get a good vantage point and be able to take a lot of pictures as the color changes.
波浪谷(The Wave):由于时间问题我们没有去
美国亚利桑那州的石涛谷(The Wave)隐藏在素有岩石雕塑花园之称的狼丘北部(North Coyote Buttes),以异彩纷呈的神奇“石浪”跻身“世界十大地质奇观”之列。狼丘(包括石涛谷)隶属亚利桑那州和犹他州交界处的红崖国家保护区(Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area,又称弗米利恩崖国家保护区),狼丘座落在亚利桑那州的佩吉城(Page)和犹他州的卡纳布(Kanab)之间,地跨亚利桑那州北部和犹他州南部。土地管理局为了保护狼丘的自然风貌,严格限制访客人数,因此进入狼丘必须提前申办特别许可证。每天只准许20名游客进入。其中10名来自网上抽签,10名来自前一天在visitor center的抽签. 抽签处现在在kanab(到了kanab找walker's 加油站或者wendy's(两个在一起)。加油站右方大空地上的咖啡色房子就是了。 这个点在小镇最外围,旁边就是出城的主干道)。
关于波浪谷和permit:波浪谷,the wave,属于coyote buttes area,coyote buttes area又属于更大的vermilion cliffs national monument,这个vermilion cliffs national monument呢,可以划分为四块,分别是paria plateau, vermilion cliffs, coyote buttes, paria canyon
coyote buttes分north和south
wave在coyote buttes north,要抽签也是分north和south,所以不要搞错。
波浪谷抽签网站:https://_thunder_helper_plugin_d462f475-c18e-46be-bd10-327458d045bd" type="application/thunder_download_plugin">